Search Results: Body Confidence

Why Travel Could Be the Answer to Your Problems

Travel is often regarded as a pleasurable experience. People visit other countries to have fun, relax, and basically take a long-needed break from work. However, it would be an understatement to ignore the transformative aspects of a trip. Many people travel to heal emotional wounds, find new perspectives, or even change their lifestyles completely.

How to Learn a New Language for Your Next Adventure

It’s true that nowadays you can get by with English pretty much everywhere. But as soon as you venture into the countryside of a developing country, you might struggle to have interesting conversations. Learning a new language can help you explore a country in a more meaningful way as you can truly get to know people and understand the nuances of the culture.

15 Ways to Deal with Travel Burnout

As crazy as it might sound, sometimes traveling can become boring, especially for those who travel for long periods of time. The reality is that when someone is doing the same thing every day and month, it loses a bit of its initial excitement and it can take a toll on the enjoyability of the experience.

How the Skills You Gain Traveling Translate into The Real World

The majority of people believe traveling is akin to pleasure – you’re essentially just having fun or relaxing. While that’s correct to a certain extent, the experiences you have on your journeys affect you in a much more profound way. You’re constantly learning, and hopefully becoming a better human being.

12 Things Only Travellers Will Understand

You probably remember the first time you traveled. Maybe it was a vague memory of your parents or relatives taking you to a new place. It was exciting! You might have tasted different foods, seen the sea for the first time, or even rode a horse.

12 Reasons You’re Not Traveling Right Now and How to Break Free

Everybody loves traveling and if you don’t, I wonder why you’re reading TravelVersed. No, seriously, you just need to open your Facebook or Instagram to see incredible photos of your friends gallivanting around the world. Yet, you’re not one of the jet-setters, why?

Safety First: Tips for Women Traveling Solo

For some people, the thought of going to the movies alone is daunting enough, let alone a solo vacation, but many adventurers will tell you that traveling alone can be an empowering and rewarding experience that’s not to be missed.