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13 Questions You Should Ask Before Traveling Long Term

If you’re reading this article, you’re probably about to hit the road for your gap-year trip and need a last-minute check, just to be sure you’ve covered everything. Or maybe you’re in the early stages of planning and gathering information about your upcoming trip. Either way, you’ll find answers to common questions travelers ask before starting a long trip.

13 Tips for Long Bus Journeys

In the same way you need to plan ahead for any trips, you should do the same before a long bus journey in order to have a pleasant experience.

Traveling With a Disability

Everyone deserves the chance to see the world and experience other cultures, including individuals who are living with physical or mental disabilities. While being disabled comes with its added challenges, it doesn’t have to mean resigning yourself to the life of a day-tripper.

9 Travel Struggles That Are Worse Than Lost Luggage

Losing your luggage sucks, but is it the worst thing that can happen to you on a trip? We think not.