Bryan Richards

7 Reasons Why Traveling With a Hipster Sucks

In my last post, I shared 7 reasons why hipsters make great travel companions. This post looks at the reverse and examines how many of those same reasons can make traveling with a hipster extremely annoying. Every yin has its yang, right?

The War of North Carolina BBQ: Western vs. Eastern and Where You Can Eat It

Behind the façade of sweet tea, Southern hospitality, y’alls, and bless your hearts, is a bitter clash that has been tearing families apart for generations. It pre-dates the current battle between the taxpayers of Charlotte and tax-spenders of Raleigh, and even sentiments still held over from the War of Northern Aggression.

7 Reasons Why Hipsters Make Great Traveling Companions

Everybody wants to hate on hipsters. Regular readers of this site know that I often do. Sometimes, though, hipsters deserve a little love. Like when you’re traveling for instance.

15 Songs That Make You Want to Travel

Whether you’re in your car listening to the radio on the morning commute or plugged into your favorite playlist in an office cubicle, a carefully written lyric can paint a picture of someplace exotic and lift you out of your surroundings, if only for a little while.

7 Things to Do When It Rains on Your Vacation

As much as we hope for perfect weather on our vacation, Mother Nature is beyond our control, and it’s bound to rain on our plans. It’s easy to get frustrated and allow the rain clouds to ruin our vacation.

Why Do We Have the Sudden Urge to Drink Tomato Juice on Airplanes?

The captain has turned off the “Fasten Seat Belt” sign, and the dehydrating effects of the airplane’s dry, recycled air already have you panting. Where the heck is the flight attendant with your 5-ounce pour of refreshment?

15 Inspiring Travel Books You Have to Read

“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.”

-Saint Augustine