Jordana Weiss

20 of Your Burning Brexit Questions Answered

If you’ve read or watched any news at all in recent weeks, you’ve undoubtedly heard about Brexit. Like many non-British citizens (and, unfortunately, some British citizens too), you may wondering what this means and why people are so focused on it.

Top 15 Most Dangerous Airports in the World!

The chances of dying due to an airline crash? They’re pretty low—about 1 in 20 million. You have a much higher chance of sitting next to a crying infant for an entire flight. But that still doesn’t stop flying from being one of the most common phobias in the world. The takeoff, the turbulence, bad…

Birthplace of The Bull Runners: Pamplona, Spain

For seven days, the minute the clock strikes 8am, runners take over the streets of Pamplona, hoping to have the transcendent experience of running with the bulls. Six bulls are released from a local corral and run behind the runners for just over 800 meters to the bull ring, to await their fights later that evening.

17 Things No One Will Tell You Before You Move to Spain

Choosing to live in Spain can be one of the best decisions a person ever makes. Made up of 17 unique regions each with their own history, culture, and cuisine, there’s never a shortage of new things to do. Here are a few hot tips to make your move go smoothly.

17 Things No One Will Tell You Before You Move to England

England is an amazing place: full of culture, beautiful scenery, and enough pubs to make sure no one will ever be short of a drink. Here are a few things that people may not tell you before you move there.

On This Remote Island, Cats are King: Tashirojima, Japan

Have you ever wanted to live on an island where the cats outnumber the humans? Well, if you’re willing to move to an isolated island just off the coast of Japan, your dream could become a reality. The island of Tashirojima is just over a mile long, and has mostly been deserted by humans.

16 Off-the-Beaten Path Places to Explore in Australia

Australia is a country full of adventure, and it seems like excitement is waiting around every corner. Whether you choose to head to somewhere tried, tested, and true like the Great Barrier Reef, or you choose a destination from this list, you won’t be disappointed.