Kathleen Corrigan

20 Least Educated Cities in America

Higher learning isn’t for everyone, but it does seem to be true that with education comes a better quality of life. Statistics show that educated people tend to earn more, live longer and happier lives, and have better overall health than their less educated counterparts.

30 Ways to Have the Best Christmas Ever, Anywhere in the World

If you’re one of those people who wishes it was socially acceptable to hang your stockings the day after Halloween, you just might be head over heels in love with Christmas. Who doesn’t enjoy giving and receiving gifts, trimming the tree and singing carols around a warm fire?

16 Worst Places to Raise a Family

Raising children is both a privilege and a challenge, and one that everyone wants to succeed at. When it comes to bringing up happy, healthy kids, some places in the world are more suitable than others. Here are 16 cities across the globe where raising children is an even more challenging task than usual.

10 Things That Would Happen if Every Volcano on Earth Erupted at Once

This wild, crazy planet of ours is home to more than 1,500 known active volcanoes and an unknown number hidden beneath our oceans. Each day, between 15 and 20 of them erupt, but thankfully the effects are minimal.

10 Reasons Trump’s Energy Plan Poses Major Climate Threats

Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump unveiled his “America First” energy plan back in April and it’s pretty much what you’d expect from someone who refers to climate change as a “Chinese hoax.” In short, he plans to undo over 40 years of work and efforts to protect the environment and stop climate change in one fell swoop.

20 Things That Would Happen if Humans Disappeared From Earth Overnight

Most of us can agree that the human race has done a real number on planet earth; whether it’s the plastic we’ve put into the oceans, the urban sprawl that’s eaten up most of nature or the growing hole in the ozone layer, it doesn’t look as though we’ll be getting our security deposit back.

Safety First: Tips for Women Traveling Solo

For some people, the thought of going to the movies alone is daunting enough, let alone a solo vacation, but many adventurers will tell you that traveling alone can be an empowering and rewarding experience that’s not to be missed.