Tips and Tricks

Essential Barcelona for a Quick Trip

While I was studying abroad in England, one of my friends invited me to join her on a weekend trip to Barcelona, where (rumor had it) the sun still shined. I decided to come along at the absolute last minute.

17 Things No One Will Tell You Before You Move to Spain

Choosing to live in Spain can be one of the best decisions a person ever makes. Made up of 17 unique regions each with their own history, culture, and cuisine, there’s never a shortage of new things to do. Here are a few hot tips to make your move go smoothly.

How to Keep Your Cool in Stressful Travel Situations

Going traveling is a big adventure, and most of the time, it’s fun. But travel can also put you in some tough situations, it’s nothing that you can’t deal with if you keep a level head though.

7 Weird Things No One Will Tell You About America

We all know America has the bald eagle, Hollywood, fast food, movie stars, baseball, the NFL, and many other world-famous things to offer (complete with some infamously otherworldly places, but that’s a different article). But how about some of the strange facts and stories that you’ve never heard of before?

9 Must-Attend German Beer Festivals That AREN’T Oktoberfest

Is it me or does attending Oktoberfest sound like a cluster? I’ve heard horror stories of overcrowded beer tents, gross displays of public drunkenness, and general pandemonium. Then there’s the reservation system…

17 Things No One Will Tell You Before You Move to England

England is an amazing place: full of culture, beautiful scenery, and enough pubs to make sure no one will ever be short of a drink. Here are a few things that people may not tell you before you move there.

7 Things You Should Never Do In China

Lantern festivals, flying dragon costumes, vast and beautiful temples – these are just a few of the many stunning attractions to see when visiting China. Interacting with day to day Chinese life, the people, and the events requires tact and knowledge to avoid disrespecting the locals and their traditions with foreign practices and ignorance.