Travel Talk

The World in Pizza

Whether you are a lover or a hater, you can’t deny pizza knows no national boundaries. These 10 pizzas from around the world are sure to make your stomach growl, and give you some ideas to spice up your next pizza night. From French fries to gold, no ingredient is off the table!

The World in Cheeses

Exploring the world through cheese is a great way to get to know local cuisine and culture. Cheese, like wine, is indelibly caught up in the terroir of the place where it was made. Cheese can be made of any type of milk – goat, cow, or water buffalo, to name a few – and what the animal eats, where it goes, and how it’s handled all influence the taste of the milk.

Cultured Palate: Dishes from France

If you’ve ever been to France, chances are you’ve realized just how amazing the French culinary scene really is. The French are exacting in their tastes, and they’ve had centuries to perfect their cuisine. They’ve even awarded the highest government honors to chefs who prove themselves worthy – just take a peek at the movie Kings of Pastry to get a taste of the high-stakes world of French pastry and confectionary.

Why Travel is So Addictive

You might have heard about the “travel bug,” the elusive insect which carries the condition that afflicts hundreds of thousands of travelers. It usually only takes one trip (or one bite) for you to catch it, but once you do, it’s, fortunately, incurable. You’ll live the rest of your life with it, only thinking about traveling, saving money to travel and hopefully, traveling a lot!

The World in Egg Dishes

Eggs are a delicious source of protein, and one of the only foods that transitions easily from breakfast all the way to dessert with surprising ease. If you’re a fan of eggs, chances are you’ve tried them a few different ways. Even if you think you’re an adventurous eater, there are definitely ways of preparing eggs that you might not be aware of.

The World in Junk Food

Although the United States gets a bad rap for our love of unhealthy food, the truth is every country has its own unique spin on what we call junk food. Ranging from the truly delicious to the truly disgusting, these 13 junk foods from around the world will make your stomach groan and growl. There are even some easy ones you can try at home!

Myth and Legend: The Best Supernatural Landmarks of Ireland

Even though Ireland is now split into Protestant and Catholic factions, the Irish still tend to be very superstitious overall, and there are plenty of places to check out if you’re curious about Ireland’s fantastic history.