Travelversed Editors

Lovely Bones: Visiting the Sedlec Ossuary (Church of Bones)

Are you into unique and unforgettable travel experiences? Do you spook easily? If you said “Yes” to the first and “No” to the second, Sedlec Ossuary might be the destination for you. Just be warned: you will be greeted with open arms. Thousands of them.

War Tourism: When Battle Zones Become Holiday Destinations

It’s a concept so fascinating yet appalling that an entire institute has been dedicated to studying it. But war tourism is not a new phenomenon. What’s IS new is the way today’s tourism industry has formalized trips to danger zones.

How Climate Change Is Affecting Australia

No matter which agency is doing the reporting, the message is the same: Australia is surpassing the warming rate experienced by the rest of the world, and unless something is done to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, it’s only going to get worse. How much worse? Read on.

Dimmuborgir: Iceland’s ‘Dark Cities’

The rugged beauty of Iceland includes roughly 130 volcanoes and the savage geology that results after the active ones erupt. One in particular is swathed in ominous legends and creepy folklore: Dimmuborgir.

7 Places Where People Live the Longest

Times sure have changed, and not just in terms of the transition from landline to smartphone, or slate tablet to iPad. Nearly 100 years ago, the average global life expectancy was a mere 31 years old. Now, in certain countries, you’re still a youngster if you reach 80!

Hill of Crosses: The Shrine That Refused to Die

All those towering crucifixes, adorned with rosaries of varying vintage that rattle gently in the breeze, could strike the non-devout as a little creepy. But if you’re a Catholic making a pilgrimage, you see something both authentic and sacred.

6 Luxury Lodges From Around the World

Whether you’re looking for a hot tropical getaway or a secluded forest retreat, your luxury lodge awaits.