Search Results: Ways to Meet New Friends While Traveling

The Pros and Cons of Traveling Full-Time

Life on the road seems to be every traveler’s dream, but is it all that it’s cracked up to be? As you embark on your own journey, you’ll have the best moments of your life, but some pretty annoying ones too.

How the Skills You Gain Traveling Translate into The Real World

The majority of people believe traveling is akin to pleasure – you’re essentially just having fun or relaxing. While that’s correct to a certain extent, the experiences you have on your journeys affect you in a much more profound way. You’re constantly learning, and hopefully becoming a better human being.

13 Types of Accommodation to Choose From When Traveling

Travelers nowadays have never been so spoiled for choices when it comes to choosing a place to sleep. In the past, they depended on travel guides and agencies to check their options, but with the advent of smartphones, they literally have all the information they need at their fingertips.

How To Keep Your Wallet Full While Traveling

If you’ve been bitten by the travel bug, chances are you’ll find it very difficult to stay in one place working a regular 9-5 job. There are plenty of things that you can do to save money both at home and abroad. Check out this article and see if any of these money-saving strategies are right for you.

4 Ways to Travel Without Leaving Home

Here at Travelversed, we all love to travel — and if you’re here reading this article, it means the itch is becoming unbearable. You need to travel now!

How to Immerse Yourself in a New Culture

Think about your last three trips and ask yourself how many things you actually did as opposed to things you saw. How come when you look back at your past adventures, it’s either the funny and tragic stories or the crazy things you did that you remember the most?

10 Things I Hate About Traveling

When you check your Facebook friends’ latest pics and imagine they had an amazing trip, you have to remember you’re not seeing the whole picture! People tend to show only the good side of their lives and travels.