Search Results: Finland

Save Them All: Animal Sanctuaries to Visit

If you’re an animal lover, the thought of animals being mistreated or cooped up in pens away from their natural environment is horrific. The next time you’re thinking of traveling somewhere new, why don’t you add an animal sanctuary to your list? These animal sanctuaries exist to protect animals that have left their natural environment and focus on rehabilitation.

Shopping Fresh: The Top Food Markets in the World

For the rest of us, who have to content ourselves with cellophane-packaged goods from the fluorescent-lit local grocery store, a market like this in our neighborhood would be a dream come true. Luckily, all of these markets are located in easily accessible places, so make sure that you put them on your next travel itinerary!

30 Ways to Have the Best Christmas Ever, Anywhere in the World

If you’re one of those people who wishes it was socially acceptable to hang your stockings the day after Halloween, you just might be head over heels in love with Christmas. Who doesn’t enjoy giving and receiving gifts, trimming the tree and singing carols around a warm fire?

30 Best Places to Raise Children

Of course, the right country for you will depend on a number of factors including your career, your lifestyle and much more. No country is perfect and each has its strengths and flaws, so the ideal country is one where you can raise a peaceful, happy and healthy family and lead the lifestyle you desire.

11 New Year’s Eve Traditions From Around the World

Around the world, a wide range of cultures believes in a variety of New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day actions that can influence one’s fortune for the upcoming year. Whether purported to drive out the bad or draw in the good, these traditions are deeply rooted in local culture.

5 Countries Americans Can Get a Cheap College Degree

Higher education in the U.S. and ‘cheap’ are generally about as alike as the Mojave Desert and a Canadian winter. Here are some cheaper alternatives to that U.S. degree.