Search Results: Living with MS

How to Travel Safely in Dangerous Countries

It would be great if every country you ever visited was a safe place where you could leave your worries behind and just enjoy the moment. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. There are many regions in the world where danger is a real problem and should be taken into consideration if you’re planning a visit.

The Best Sandwich Shops in the World

The humble sandwich is probably one of the most underrated and unjustly mutilated foods in the entire world. Instead of seeking out superlative sandwiches for our lunch time, we take our business to chains like Jimmy Johns and Subway, who churn out tasteless, insipid meals that smell better than they taste. Instead of thinking of sandwiches as an easy meal, think of them as an opportunity to challenge your taste buds with unique combinations of delicious, fresh ingredients.

13 Unique Experiences You Could Have on Your Next Trip

Every time you turn around, some development company is building a new luxury hotel or resort, trying to attract guests with a range of new and unique amenities. If you travel often, chances are you’ve seen every amenity under the sun, and still want more.

Go Before It’s Gone: The Top Ten Last-Chance Tourist Destinations

Most of us all have travel bucket lists, which consist of destinations and cities around the globe we want to head to and check off before we die. Still, there’s a recent travel trend on the rise known as “last-chance tourism” — traveling to spots that are deemed at risk for being wiped out, thanks to climate change, heavy tourism, global warming, and pollution.

The Best Countries to Live as an Expat

Today, we’ll scour the globe for the best places that you, our prospective American expat, can conceivably call a home away from home. Sun, sand, culture, food — we’ve got it all! So, sit back, relax, and start scheming ways in which you can quit your job because these are the best countries in the world to live as an expat.

10 Bizarre Festivals You Won’t Believe Exist

The world is filled with strange and interesting things, and as we know, humans tend to honor the truly weird. A quick Google search and you’ll find a whole list of unusual events. For instance, have you ever had the urge to see how far you can throw a cow chip (a.k.a cow poop)? Well, at the Wisconsin State fair in Prairie du Sac you can find out, I mean, if you want to.

Top 11 Fusion Foods Rocking the Food Scene Today

If you live in a city, it’s easy to see these fusion cuisines developing before your very eyes. Here are some of the top fusion foods that are rocking the food scene today.