Search Results: Amazing Race

3 Wandering Squares to Fancy in Malmö Sweden

The third largest city in Sweden, Malmö, is located on the south-east of the country and is ready to welcome you with its one-of-a-kind beauty. The capital of Scania, as it’s also known, the town has an oceanic climate with average temperatures in winter.

21 Most Unconventional Museums in Europe

The Louvre, the British Museum, the Smithsonian – all these names certainly inspire reverence and fascination. The great museums of history, art, and natural sciences are cultural gold, but what do you call those that highlight sausages, toilet seats, or mini glass bottles? Cultural platinum! Here are 21 European museums that feature some unconventional exhibitions.

20 Fancy Things to Do in Warsaw

Warsaw is a bustling city with an abundance of fancy things to do. Mark my words: you’ll have no time to get bored! Here are 20 of my favorite quirky and fun things to do in Warsaw.

50 Places Women Should Never Travel Alone

Travel can be a beautiful element of the human experience. Discovering new places, people, cultures, and scenery opens our minds to the world around us. It is exciting, humbling, empowering, liberating, and endlessly rewarding. Unfortunately, it can also be dangerous, particularly if you happen to be a woman.

America’s 15 Best Towns for Halloween

A lot of people really come alive when celebrating all things undead on October 31st. Whether you simply enjoy candy corn and themed movies, or you live to be scared out of your mind, why not hit the road this Halloween to experience something a little different?

28 Coolest Airbnbs in America

It used to be the case that if you were booking a vacation, you’d have to find a hotel, motel or resort. Thanks to the Internet, though, travelers now have more options than ever when it comes to booking accommodations in some of the world’s hottest travel destinations.

20 Things That Would Happen if Humans Disappeared From Earth Overnight

Most of us can agree that the human race has done a real number on planet earth; whether it’s the plastic we’ve put into the oceans, the urban sprawl that’s eaten up most of nature or the growing hole in the ozone layer, it doesn’t look as though we’ll be getting our security deposit back.