Posts Tagged ‘Animals’

Animal Paradise: The Best Hotels for Animal Lovers

If you’re an animal lover, chances are you can’t go a single week without a cuddle from a furry friend. While going on vacation with your pet may not be for everyone, for some people, it’s the best option. There are plenty of hotels that cater to animals, but there are also tons of hotels that offer a variety of animal activities on the premises. Learn to hunt with hawks, play polo, or just hang out with a loving animal.

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Dogs and Cats from Around the World and Their Origins

As it stands, every country has friendly domesticated dogs and cats, and it can be extremely fun to be around them. The best part is that these pets can be very different from what you’re expecting, and sometimes downright weird! Read on to learn more about international dogs and cats, and their origins.

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Save Them All: Animal Sanctuaries to Visit

If you’re an animal lover, the thought of animals being mistreated or cooped up in pens away from their natural environment is horrific. The next time you’re thinking of traveling somewhere new, why don’t you add an animal sanctuary to your list? These animal sanctuaries exist to protect animals that have left their natural environment and focus on rehabilitation.

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