Search Results: South Africa

14 Places Prone to Terrifying Natural Disasters

When you’re planning your long-awaited trip, it’s common to research about the normal stuff. However, depending on where you’re going, it’s important to know there are dangers no one can control – mother nature!

15 Big No-Nos Around the World

One of the most interesting aspects of traveling is how different countries are and we’re not talking about landscapes, languages, or food! Sometimes even the most basic hand gesture can mean something completely different somewhere else. They could possibly be offensive.

20 Types of Trips You Should Take at Least Once

Traveling isn’t just about the destination you choose. The way you travel and why also play a big part in determining how memorable your trips will be. So, after picking your country, what are you going to do on your trip is the next question. Here are a few ideas.

20 Most Polluted Cities in the World

If you only have one of something, that should be enough motivation to make you want to try and preserve it. Sadly, the human race doesn’t seem to feel that way about our planet, despite the fact that we only have one earth. Advocates have been preaching the message of ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’ for decades now, but mankind continues to fill the oceans with plastic and pump the air full of greenhouse gases.

15 Places That Still Practice Ritual Killings

While you might think that human sacrifices belong solely to the ancient world, several contemporary cases of ritual murders have occurred in modern times. Some may dismiss it as nothing more than “Satanic panic” but across the globe, ritualistic murders continue to crop up even in the 21st century. There are 15 countries where modern day human sacrifices are still known to occur.

10 Travel Destinations That Deserve More Visitors

So you’ve been to all the usual suspects, but you don’t want to go to visit some country just because you’ve never heard of it. You want to be absolutely that this place, this travel destination, is worth your precious money and even more precious vacation time.

5 Traits That Make Seasoned Travelers Different

What makes you a seasoned traveler? It’s the passion to explore and learn about other countries and cultures. It’s putting yourself into a local’s shoes and connecting with them. And of course, it’s traveling a lot!