Search Results: Budgeting

20 Common Misconceptions About Budget Travel

Some people don’t like the idea of budget travel. They think it’s a constant struggle and you don’t have fun. That’s not true! You just have to think twice before spending your money.

9 Things You Think You Know About Backpacking Across Europe (Until You Do It)

If you thought backpacking across Europe is all beautiful strangers, impromptu parties, and bohemian glamor, you’re in for a surprise.

9 Ways to Ruin Your Vacation

You’ve been working hard, counting your pennies and stroking the days off the calendar. But don’t let your imagination run wild without taking the time to plan for the good, bad and the ugly.

All-Inclusive Vs. Freestyle: What’s Your Traveling Style?

Some travelers love all-inclusive resorts, while others won’t go near them. To determine what your traveling style is, there are a few questions you should ask yourself.