Search Results: Living with MS

9 Things You Think You Know About Backpacking Across Europe (Until You Do It)

If you thought backpacking across Europe is all beautiful strangers, impromptu parties, and bohemian glamor, you’re in for a surprise.

8 Signs You Haven’t Been Traveling Enough

Human beings aren’t meant to be stationary — we are nomadic by nature. Here are some signs that it’s time to hit the road.

9 Ways to Ruin Your Vacation

You’ve been working hard, counting your pennies and stroking the days off the calendar. But don’t let your imagination run wild without taking the time to plan for the good, bad and the ugly.

9 Ways Travel Will Change the Way You Think About Life

For every journey we take, every place we see, our mind opens up even more as we take it all in.

How to Travel Without Being a Tourist

It’s hard to let go of our America-centered prejudices and truly embrace the culture of the places we are visiting. Here are some tips.

5 Countries Americans Can Get a Cheap College Degree

Higher education in the U.S. and ‘cheap’ are generally about as alike as the Mojave Desert and a Canadian winter. Here are some cheaper alternatives to that U.S. degree.

Can You Use Your Wanderlust to Change the World?

It’s possible to do some good for others with your time abroad. If you know where and how to look, there are volunteer opportunities all over the world.