Search Results: Studio 54

The Most Unique Airbnbs You Can Rent Today

The next time you’re contemplating a weekend away, check out some of these amazing options on Airbnb that go beyond a simple house or apartment. You can stay in a Medieval castle, take a beach vacation in a house shaped like a giant seashell, or bunk down in a legit clock tower. Bonus, they’re more affordable than the average hotel room.

Are You Afraid of the Dark? The Scariest Places in the World

We’ve all settled in for a solitary evening at home, steaming cup of liquid in hand, only to hear a menacing creak, an inconspicuous smash, or a non-descript voice. Even the slightest unfamiliar sound can transform a familiar locale in to something eerie and unsettling. Now, imagine an unfamiliar place with a storied history of odd, unexplainable occurrences.

The World in Candy

Sweets come in all different shapes, sizes, and flavors. Some of the best candies come from the farthest corners of the globe. Needless to say, no matter what country you find yourself in, there’s sure to be a sugary delight that will give you a sugar rush. For those of you who have a serious sweet tooth, beware! After reading this list of the most amazing candies from around the world, it might be impossible to resist enjoying a treat or two.

The World’s Best Gingerbread Houses

This year, we’ve gathered some incredibly inspiring gingerbread houses to help give you some ideas for how to decorate your own edible abode. While most of these gingerbread houses have already been consumed, there are always a new crop of amazing gingerbread houses that are created each holiday season – maybe yours will take the top honors this year!

Which Type of Traveler Are You?

If there’s one thing you quickly realize when you start galloping around the world, it’s that not all travelers are created equal. And that’s a good thing, because if they were, traveling would probably be a lot more boring and lacking in variety.

The World’s Most Beautiful Private Homes

When you have a lot of money, things in life tend to get a bit easier. If you don’t find a house that you like, people will fall over themselves to propose newer, more personalized options that they can build just for you. Having lots of options, and a cadre of brilliant architects at your fingertips generally means that the house you have had built for yourself will be pretty spectacular.

The World in Breakfast Dishes

For those of us who don’t skip breakfast, it’s usually cereal, toast … maybe some bacon and eggs on the weekends. Many places around the world treat breakfast completely different, though. We’ve collected some of our favorite breakfasts from around the world. Whether you’re looking for something extravagant, or a tasty grab-and-go, check out the list below.