Search Results: Travel Tips

15 Ways to Deal with Travel Burnout

As crazy as it might sound, sometimes traveling can become boring, especially for those who travel for long periods of time. The reality is that when someone is doing the same thing every day and month, it loses a bit of its initial excitement and it can take a toll on the enjoyability of the experience.

Which Type of Traveler Are You?

If there’s one thing you quickly realize when you start galloping around the world, it’s that not all travelers are created equal. And that’s a good thing, because if they were, traveling would probably be a lot more boring and lacking in variety.

The Pros and Cons of Traveling Full-Time

Life on the road seems to be every traveler’s dream, but is it all that it’s cracked up to be? As you embark on your own journey, you’ll have the best moments of your life, but some pretty annoying ones too.

12 Ways to Travel Responsibly

When people visit a new country, they want to see the attractions and also have lots of fun. There’s nothing wrong with that as long as they respect the culture, the values, and the environment. If you’re oblivious to your actions, you might be another person who’s contributing to predatory tourism.

Why Travel is So Addictive

You might have heard about the “travel bug,” the elusive insect which carries the condition that afflicts hundreds of thousands of travelers. It usually only takes one trip (or one bite) for you to catch it, but once you do, it’s, fortunately, incurable. You’ll live the rest of your life with it, only thinking about traveling, saving money to travel and hopefully, traveling a lot!

20 Tests for Your Next Travel Companion

Anyone who travels frequently can tell you that a travel companion can make or break a trip. If they’re good, the trip will be amazing. And if they’re not … well, it might get rough. To help you choose wisely, here’s a vetting process to put your next prospect through.

How the Skills You Gain Traveling Translate into The Real World

The majority of people believe traveling is akin to pleasure – you’re essentially just having fun or relaxing. While that’s correct to a certain extent, the experiences you have on your journeys affect you in a much more profound way. You’re constantly learning, and hopefully becoming a better human being.