Jordana Weiss

Cultured Palate: Dishes from Vietnam

If you’ve never traveled to Vietnam, you can’t even begin to imagine how much you’re missing out on. Not only is it gorgeous and rich in culture and history, Vietnam is also a foodie mecca. Nowhere on Earth can you get such delicious food, prepared street side, at all hours of the day.

The World’s Most Beautiful Private Homes

When you have a lot of money, things in life tend to get a bit easier. If you don’t find a house that you like, people will fall over themselves to propose newer, more personalized options that they can build just for you. Having lots of options, and a cadre of brilliant architects at your fingertips generally means that the house you have had built for yourself will be pretty spectacular.

Top 12 Underrated Cities in Europe

If you want to get away from the crowds, you’ll have to head somewhere that’s a little more off the beaten path. The cities that we’ve found for you today are all beautiful and have plenty of historical and cultural atmosphere – but you’ll never see them crammed with visitors. Here are a few of Europe’s most underrated cities.

Cultured Palate: Dishes from South Korea

One type of Asian cuisine that doesn’t receive enough global attention is Korean cuisine. For many people, the combination of spices and unique ingredients that aren’t found in any other dishes in the world make Korean food completely and totally addicting.

Best Airports in the World

If you’re a frequent traveler, you’ll know all about the struggle of finding decent food and a place to sit down in an unfamiliar airport. Some airports exist solely to shuttle people from one place to the next, and have seemingly forgotten about the things a human needs to survive, like sunlight, sleep, and food. One can’t live on luxury shopping alone!

Cultured Palate: Dishes from Scotland

You may be surprised to learn that Scotland has a culinary history quite separate from the rest of the United Kingdom. Sure, you’ve heard of haggis, but read on to find out what other dishes you should be searching for on your next trip.

Top 15 Souvenirs to Buy on Your Next Trip (That You’ll Actually Use)

How many times have you unpacked after trip abroad and realized that there’s no way in heck you’ll ever use half the stuff you bought? However, that magical 1% of souvenirs are things that actually prove useful – beautiful functional objects that will give you a positive reminder of your trip whenever you use them. Here are a few suggestions for awesome useful souvenirs to buy on your next trip.