Jordana Weiss

On Top of the World: The Most Recognized Mountains

A distant mountaintop can evoke deep feelings in so many people. If you’ve grown up around mountains, you probably feel at home and safe surrounded by nearby peaks. For many people, regardless of whether or not they grew up around them, mountains evoke a sense of exhilaration.

The World in Cheeses

Exploring the world through cheese is a great way to get to know local cuisine and culture. Cheese, like wine, is indelibly caught up in the terroir of the place where it was made. Cheese can be made of any type of milk – goat, cow, or water buffalo, to name a few – and what the animal eats, where it goes, and how it’s handled all influence the taste of the milk.

Night at the Museum: The Most Visited Museums

If you’re a tourist who want to experience the best of art and culture that a vacation destination has to offer, the local museum should always be your first stop. For people visiting cities like Paris, London, and Washington, D.C., the museums there are must-see destinations. They house world famous collections, and you can easily while away hours there without thinking twice.

Cultured Palate: Dishes from France

If you’ve ever been to France, chances are you’ve realized just how amazing the French culinary scene really is. The French are exacting in their tastes, and they’ve had centuries to perfect their cuisine. They’ve even awarded the highest government honors to chefs who prove themselves worthy – just take a peek at the movie Kings of Pastry to get a taste of the high-stakes world of French pastry and confectionary.

The World in Egg Dishes

Eggs are a delicious source of protein, and one of the only foods that transitions easily from breakfast all the way to dessert with surprising ease. If you’re a fan of eggs, chances are you’ve tried them a few different ways. Even if you think you’re an adventurous eater, there are definitely ways of preparing eggs that you might not be aware of.

In the Movies: Movie Locations You Can Actually Visit

Some movies require real-life locations, and location scouts are tasked with finding the perfect stand-in. Many of these buildings are public, and are open for visitors. Take a look at some of our favorite movies locations, and where you can find them in real life.

How to Acclimatize to a New City

It’s becoming the new norm for people to move around — either for a job, or for a new relationship, or just for a change of scenery. Moving to a brand-new place can be a big adjustment, and it might take a while to acclimatize to your new surroundings.