Travel Spots

17 Best Haunted Houses in the US

While some people revel in the candy and the cute costumes, others just can’t celebrate Halloween without being scared out of their skin. For those who need a bit of adrenaline in their Halloween experience, these haunted houses are for you! They’ve been rated some of the best, most terrifying attractions in the United States, and will prey on every little fear you’ve ever had.

28 Coolest Airbnbs in America

It used to be the case that if you were booking a vacation, you’d have to find a hotel, motel or resort. Thanks to the Internet, though, travelers now have more options than ever when it comes to booking accommodations in some of the world’s hottest travel destinations.

Top 10 Most Searched Travel Destinations

It seems that, when planning a trip, travelers in 2016 looked to the Mediterranean coast as the spot to spend their precious vacation days and dollars. However, they also looked to South East Asia and even North America, while a certain communist Caribbean nation has been getting its share of online attention of late.

30 Best Places to Raise Children

Of course, the right country for you will depend on a number of factors including your career, your lifestyle and much more. No country is perfect and each has its strengths and flaws, so the ideal country is one where you can raise a peaceful, happy and healthy family and lead the lifestyle you desire.

20 Countries to Travel With Your Dog

Traveling is a wonderful experience, but having a pet dog can seriously complicate your travel plans. Do you board your dog while you’re away? Do you leave them with a friend or family member? And what do you do if you want to take Fido with you?

15 Active War Zones Where You Can Vacation

Maybe you’re looking for a bargain on your next vacation. While the rest of the world zigs toward their vacation destinations, you’re going to zag! If so, then you might want to take a look at this list of war zones where you can vacation.

31 Best Surf Spots in the World

While the summer months may be rapidly drawing to an end in some parts of the world, they’re only just now getting ready to begin in others. Of course, when you’re a surfer, you don’t care what season it is. In your mind, it’s always summer, and the next thrill is only as far away as the nearest break.