Search Results: Travel Itineraries

Top 5 European River Cruises

If you’re planning a trip to Europe, you may want to consider setting sail on one of the many European river cruises. Thousands of routes of interwinding waterways that span across the cities offers travelers a unique way to explore the continent. Embarking on a river cruise allows you to see multiple European locations like Portugal, Germany, France, and many more without the hassle of finding and arranging accommodations in every city you go. Today, we’ll explore the top five European River Cruises that offer unique experiences.

Visiting Venice: How to Fall for a Cliched City

Venice is one of my favorite cities in the world, which is a claim about as cliche as saying Paris is the city of love. With its canal streets, thousands of bridges, and mask shops at every corner, it may be hard to imagine a Venice that’s unique.

6 Ways to Make the Most of Your Time at the Airport

We’ve all been there: No matter how much time you put into planning your next trip, especially if you choose to fly, there will be gaps in your schedule. What to do then?

War Tourism: When Battle Zones Become Holiday Destinations

It’s a concept so fascinating yet appalling that an entire institute has been dedicated to studying it. But war tourism is not a new phenomenon. What’s IS new is the way today’s tourism industry has formalized trips to danger zones.

7 of the World’s Most Incredible River Cruises

River cruises are growing in popularity, as more and more people board river boats in order to explore the heartland of different countries that would be inaccessible any other way.