Search Results: Traveling for the Long-Term

12 Reasons You’re Not Traveling Right Now and How to Break Free

Everybody loves traveling and if you don’t, I wonder why you’re reading TravelVersed. No, seriously, you just need to open your Facebook or Instagram to see incredible photos of your friends gallivanting around the world. Yet, you’re not one of the jet-setters, why?

What’s the Long-Term Traveler’s Day-to-Day Like?

Even if they have a sound itinerary, very rarely does everything go according to plan — problems occur, they fight with their traveling partner, they get Delhi belly, and so on. And when they don’t have an itinerary, then they really don’t know what’s happening in the following couple of days!

11 Great Hostels in Europe to Stay In

If you’re a budget-minded backpacker interested in meeting fellow travelers along the way, hostels are an exceptional alternative. Intimate, community-minded, and affordable, hostels have exploded in popularity and really come a long way. From shared open-concept spaces to private ensuites, it’s easy to find a mix of both communal and secluded accommodations.

Why You Should Travel While You’re Still Young

If you’re worried about embarking on a travel adventure and wondering whether it’ll negatively affect your life, the simple answer is “no, it won’t.” In fact, when you stop to take a closer look at it, the benefits considerably outweigh the risks. While in the past it may have looked like a frivolous undertaking, nowadays it’s considered a character-defining experience. If you have the chance to travel now, take it without thinking as your future-self will be forever grateful for the lessons, friends, and memories you will make.

How You Can (Nearly) Travel Forever

Traveling around the world seems to be everyone’s dream. What’s not to like: the freedom of the road, the incredible adventures, and the amazing people you meet along the way. But is it really possible? Can anyone do it?

The Best Travel Blogs for Solo Adventurers

If you’re planning your next trip solo, you should definitely check out this list of travel blogs geared towards solo adventurers. They’re full of great tips and tricks, as well as dreamy photos and inspirational trip plans.

What Frequent Travelers Wish They Knew

More often than not, when frequent travelers look back at their first years traveling, they think about all the things they wish they knew and could’ve done in a different way. Lucky for you, here’s a list of travel wisdom that might help you on your future trips.