Search Results: Traveling for the Long-Term


Why You Should Consider Slow Travel

If you’ve ever come across the term “slow travel” and weren’t so sure what it meant, the first thing to understand is that it’s not only about how fast you travel. Slow Travel is a branch of the Slow Movement, which encompasses many different categories such as Slow Medicine, Slow Parenting, Slow Photography, and many more.

Business Class Airfares vs. First Class Airfares

If you’re trying to decide between business class and first class for your next flight, let us be the first to say that it varies wildly between airlines, but there is usually a discernable difference between these two levels of service, especially on international flights. There are several aspects of the flight experience where the two classes deviate from each other, including the lounges available to passengers, the food and drinks available in those lounges and on board, the seats on the plane, and the in-flight service from stewards and flight attendants.

The Best Sites to Find The Best Vacation Rentals

There are a lot of benefits to renting a room or apartment versus paying for a single or block of hotel rooms. In the last several years, home rental websites have gained a huge amount of attention, especially after the rise of Airbnb, who has — for better or worse — irrevocably changed the landscape of the rental market.

What Happens When the Travel Bug Bites?

Many people are completely unaware of the travel bug until it bites them. When it happens to you, you’ll instantly know the feeling. All of sudden, all your priorities change and travel becomes the main focus of your life. The more you do it, the better it gets.

Are You Paying Too Much for Your Trips?

The reality is that you can spend little to no money and have an amazing trip, or sell one of your kidneys and go on a luxurious journey. If you nearly break the bank every time you go traveling, maybe it’s time to change the way you’re doing things.

Save Them All: Animal Sanctuaries to Visit

If you’re an animal lover, the thought of animals being mistreated or cooped up in pens away from their natural environment is horrific. The next time you’re thinking of traveling somewhere new, why don’t you add an animal sanctuary to your list? These animal sanctuaries exist to protect animals that have left their natural environment and focus on rehabilitation.

13 Tips to Help Plan Your Trip

Most of the time people will settle for the somewhat predictable all-inclusive resort holiday. There’s nothing wrong with that, but if you’d like something more exotic, a little off the beaten track, you’ll need to make an effort. So how exactly do you plan your trip?