Search Results: Jamaica

Need a Break? Here Are the 11 Most Relaxing Cities in the World

Looking to recharge and renew with some rest and relaxation far away from home? These 11 cities are where you need to be.

11 Strange Drinking Rituals From Around the World

If you’re growing weary of your current drinking routine, perhaps it’s time to branch out and take part in one of the many exciting drinking rituals our beautiful booze-loving planet has to offer.

17 Ways Traveling Will Make You Healthier

As the Roman Philosopher Seneca once said, “Voyage, travel, and change of pace impart vigor.”

15 Unexpected Places to Have Your Destination Wedding

You know who had their destination wedding on a sandy beach in some generic hot location? Everybody. Everybody but you, that is.

6 Dangerous Delicacies That Can Totally Kill You

Eating is about more than just fuel and nutrients — and for some, it’s about braving danger to taste the rarest delicacies the world has to offer.

13 Worst Countries to Visit

After returning home from a vacation, most of us feel an urge to go back to the same destination again. However, this might not be the case if you choose some of the worst destinations in the world to visit on a trip.