Search Results: Thailand Travel

Why Travel is So Addictive

You might have heard about the “travel bug,” the elusive insect which carries the condition that afflicts hundreds of thousands of travelers. It usually only takes one trip (or one bite) for you to catch it, but once you do, it’s, fortunately, incurable. You’ll live the rest of your life with it, only thinking about traveling, saving money to travel and hopefully, traveling a lot!

13 Types of Accommodation to Choose From When Traveling

Travelers nowadays have never been so spoiled for choices when it comes to choosing a place to sleep. In the past, they depended on travel guides and agencies to check their options, but with the advent of smartphones, they literally have all the information they need at their fingertips.

12 Things Only Travellers Will Understand

You probably remember the first time you traveled. Maybe it was a vague memory of your parents or relatives taking you to a new place. It was exciting! You might have tasted different foods, seen the sea for the first time, or even rode a horse.

4 Ways Traveling Accelerates Your Relationship

Most relationships start more or less in the same way: you meet someone, be it a friend or a partner, and slowly you get to know them. You eventually learn about their peculiarities and the things they like and hate, but to quickly assess if a person is a good match, I’d argue you have to travel with them.

5 Traits That Make Seasoned Travelers Different

What makes you a seasoned traveler? It’s the passion to explore and learn about other countries and cultures. It’s putting yourself into a local’s shoes and connecting with them. And of course, it’s traveling a lot!

20 Ways to Add Spontaneity Into Your Travels

It’s easy to travel like everybody else — stay in well-known hotels, visit the main attractions and basically play it safe. Why not try to make this trip memorable instead of mundane?

50 Places Women Should Never Travel Alone

Travel can be a beautiful element of the human experience. Discovering new places, people, cultures, and scenery opens our minds to the world around us. It is exciting, humbling, empowering, liberating, and endlessly rewarding. Unfortunately, it can also be dangerous, particularly if you happen to be a woman.