Search Results: Sleep Help

10 Travel Gadgets to Pack on Your Next Trip

There are some staples everyone includes in their packing to-do list people can’t leave home without when heading on vacation. However, there are also other techy travel items that should be consider while packing up for vacation to ensure it is as fun and stress-free as possible.

How to Learn a New Language for Your Next Adventure

It’s true that nowadays you can get by with English pretty much everywhere. But as soon as you venture into the countryside of a developing country, you might struggle to have interesting conversations. Learning a new language can help you explore a country in a more meaningful way as you can truly get to know people and understand the nuances of the culture.

15 Ways to Deal with Travel Burnout

As crazy as it might sound, sometimes traveling can become boring, especially for those who travel for long periods of time. The reality is that when someone is doing the same thing every day and month, it loses a bit of its initial excitement and it can take a toll on the enjoyability of the experience.

Which Type of Traveler Are You?

If there’s one thing you quickly realize when you start galloping around the world, it’s that not all travelers are created equal. And that’s a good thing, because if they were, traveling would probably be a lot more boring and lacking in variety.

Best Airports in the World

If you’re a frequent traveler, you’ll know all about the struggle of finding decent food and a place to sit down in an unfamiliar airport. Some airports exist solely to shuttle people from one place to the next, and have seemingly forgotten about the things a human needs to survive, like sunlight, sleep, and food. One can’t live on luxury shopping alone!

Tallest Unoccupied Buildings in the World

Man has forever been trying to reach for the clouds, and the skyscrapers dotting our cities’ horizons are monuments to this dream. However, some dreams never quite come to fruition. Around the world, there are empty towers that remind us of hard financial times and failed attempts to conquer the sky.

15 Boat Trips You Should Do Once in Your Life

Traveling by boat can be a great way to explore a new country. Sometimes, it’s not possible to get a flight to visit a village hidden inside the jungle or to a small island with no airports. Sometimes, the only way to get there is by hopping on a boat.