Search Results: Indonesia

50 Places Women Should Never Travel Alone

Travel can be a beautiful element of the human experience. Discovering new places, people, cultures, and scenery opens our minds to the world around us. It is exciting, humbling, empowering, liberating, and endlessly rewarding. Unfortunately, it can also be dangerous, particularly if you happen to be a woman.

20 Countries Where Your Money Goes Further

Sometimes you want to explore the world, but don’t have enough money saved – or so you think. Believe it or not, traveling doesn’t have to be expensive if you pick the right destination. Let me give you some ideas!

10 Things That Would Happen if Every Volcano on Earth Erupted at Once

This wild, crazy planet of ours is home to more than 1,500 known active volcanoes and an unknown number hidden beneath our oceans. Each day, between 15 and 20 of them erupt, but thankfully the effects are minimal.

31 Best Surf Spots in the World

While the summer months may be rapidly drawing to an end in some parts of the world, they’re only just now getting ready to begin in others. Of course, when you’re a surfer, you don’t care what season it is. In your mind, it’s always summer, and the next thrill is only as far away as the nearest break.

Top 20 Countries Infected With Zika Virus

Zika virus is the most troubling health issue that has affected our planet in a long time. While most people in the United States were unaware of Zika before the lead up to the Summer Olympics in August 2016, it is still a major problem for South and Central America, where the majority of cases are concentrated.

What’s the Long-Term Traveler’s Day-to-Day Like?

Even if they have a sound itinerary, very rarely does everything go according to plan — problems occur, they fight with their traveling partner, they get Delhi belly, and so on. And when they don’t have an itinerary, then they really don’t know what’s happening in the following couple of days!

5 Things I Miss About South East Asia

It doesn’t matter if you travel for a weekend, a week, or a month: when you come back you’re going to be hit by the post-travel blues, especially if you had an amazing time. In my case, after six months in SE Asia, I’m struggling a bit with England’s cold weather and high prices, but all is gold when you have family and friends!