Search Results: New Year

Top 9 Post-Vacation Regrets

Mark Twain said, “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did.” That applies to travel, too.

7 Real Life American Ghost Towns

Why are these places no longer inhabited by people, and why have they become so desolate? Let’s take a brief look at North America’s 7 spookiest abandoned locations.

5 Countries Americans Can Get a Cheap College Degree

Higher education in the U.S. and ‘cheap’ are generally about as alike as the Mojave Desert and a Canadian winter. Here are some cheaper alternatives to that U.S. degree.

The 15 Most Romantic North American Places to Propose

When it comes to choosing a place to propose, North America offers its fair share of exotic, romantic, and picturesque locations to make any proposal memorable.

26 Most Beautiful Beaches You’ll Find Anywhere

Whether you’re going on a long vacation, a weekend getaway or just a day trip, what better way to spend your free time than on a beautiful beach?

8 Hot Beach Spots to Escape the Cold

When the air starts feeling a little chilly, the best way to warm up is by heading to the beach. Check out these 4 hot beach spots that each cater to a different crowd.