Search Results: Living with MS

Power Walk: The Most Walkable Cities in the World

Today on Travelversed, we’re going to explore the most interesting, feet-friendly destinations that will no doubt satisfy your vagabond shoes. So, lace up your runners, fill up your water bottle, and get ready to immerse yourself in the most walkable cities on the planet.

Animal Paradise: The Best Hotels for Animal Lovers

If you’re an animal lover, chances are you can’t go a single week without a cuddle from a furry friend. While going on vacation with your pet may not be for everyone, for some people, it’s the best option. There are plenty of hotels that cater to animals, but there are also tons of hotels that offer a variety of animal activities on the premises. Learn to hunt with hawks, play polo, or just hang out with a loving animal.

Cultured Palate: Dishes from the American Southeast

Southern cooking is one of the most popular and beloved U.S. cuisines. It’s famous for its indulgence and its delicious ingredients that draw on the South’s many regional cultures.

Why You Should Travel Before Starting College

Deciding what to study in college can be one of the most stressful periods of your life. You feel the pressure from society, your family, and even yourself. However, it doesn’t have to be like that. More often than not, travelers come back home with a better understanding of who they are.

13 Strange Burial Traditions from Around the World

Here in North America, we try and keep death as far away from everyday life as possible. In many other countries, burial traditions are commonly and openly practiced, leading to a more death-positive outlook from those involved. Although some may seem obtuse, most of these burial traditions have the dual purpose of honoring the deceased person’s life and providing an outlet for the family’s grief.

15 Travel Quotes to Change Your Life

Quotes are like little pieces of wisdom. With just a couple of sentences, the author manages to convey a thought, a perspective, or sometimes an entire experience. Some people love quotes and live by them as if they are mantras to be followed, others just like to read them and be reminded of special moments in their lives. As it stands, there’s no shortage of inspiring travel quotes!

Why Not All Trips Are Glamorous

Sometimes, it could be just that you choose to travel during a festival and everything is busy, or you get sick and don’t feel like doing anything. Either way, there are plenty of reasons why a trip can be the exact opposite of glamorous.