Search Results: Common Health Problems

How to Keep Fit on Your Round-The-World Trip

If you’re planning on traveling for two weeks or even longer-term, like several months, it might be wise to take care of your body while on your adventure. You don’t want to end your trip by finding out that you’ve packed on 20 pounds. Surviving off pot noodles and alcohol every day might sound fun, but it can lead to health problems down the line.

16 Worst Places to Raise a Family

Raising children is both a privilege and a challenge, and one that everyone wants to succeed at. When it comes to bringing up happy, healthy kids, some places in the world are more suitable than others. Here are 16 cities across the globe where raising children is an even more challenging task than usual.

10 Reasons Trump’s Energy Plan Poses Major Climate Threats

Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump unveiled his “America First” energy plan back in April and it’s pretty much what you’d expect from someone who refers to climate change as a “Chinese hoax.” In short, he plans to undo over 40 years of work and efforts to protect the environment and stop climate change in one fell swoop.

18 Reasons to Avoid the U.S.A.

Look, there are plenty of good reasons to visit the United States. Places like New York City and Los Angeles are super cool, and there are incredibly breathtaking national parks to visit where you can commune directly with nature…