Search Results: Studying Abroad

5 Countries Americans Can Get a Cheap College Degree

Higher education in the U.S. and ‘cheap’ are generally about as alike as the Mojave Desert and a Canadian winter. Here are some cheaper alternatives to that U.S. degree.

Why You Should Travel Before Starting College

Deciding what to study in college can be one of the most stressful periods of your life. You feel the pressure from society, your family, and even yourself. However, it doesn’t have to be like that. More often than not, travelers come back home with a better understanding of who they are.

8 Reasons Panama Is the Best Country for Learning Spanish

While Panama has an awesome reputation for tropical weather and beautiful beaches (and the canal, of course!), you should definitely look beyond the face value, as the country is so much more than a pretty place. Its notoriety as a vacation destination is without a doubt well-deserved, but it is also one of the best places in the whole world to not only add to your tan, but to your skill set – in particular, learning Spanish. If you’re considering learning Spanish abroad, Panama should be on the top of your list!

How to Prep for Visiting a Third World Country

Traveling anywhere is awesome, but there is something special about going to a third world country. When the conveniences of first world living get turned down, the volume of everything else gets turned up–sometimes literally, in large cities!