Search Results: Learning a New Language

15 Ways to Deal with Travel Burnout

As crazy as it might sound, sometimes traveling can become boring, especially for those who travel for long periods of time. The reality is that when someone is doing the same thing every day and month, it loses a bit of its initial excitement and it can take a toll on the enjoyability of the experience.

Top 15 Souvenirs to Buy on Your Next Trip (That You’ll Actually Use)

How many times have you unpacked after trip abroad and realized that there’s no way in heck you’ll ever use half the stuff you bought? However, that magical 1% of souvenirs are things that actually prove useful – beautiful functional objects that will give you a positive reminder of your trip whenever you use them. Here are a few suggestions for awesome useful souvenirs to buy on your next trip.

Why Travel is So Addictive

You might have heard about the “travel bug,” the elusive insect which carries the condition that afflicts hundreds of thousands of travelers. It usually only takes one trip (or one bite) for you to catch it, but once you do, it’s, fortunately, incurable. You’ll live the rest of your life with it, only thinking about traveling, saving money to travel and hopefully, traveling a lot!

How the Skills You Gain Traveling Translate into The Real World

The majority of people believe traveling is akin to pleasure – you’re essentially just having fun or relaxing. While that’s correct to a certain extent, the experiences you have on your journeys affect you in a much more profound way. You’re constantly learning, and hopefully becoming a better human being.

13 Types of Accommodation to Choose From When Traveling

Travelers nowadays have never been so spoiled for choices when it comes to choosing a place to sleep. In the past, they depended on travel guides and agencies to check their options, but with the advent of smartphones, they literally have all the information they need at their fingertips.

12 Things Only Travellers Will Understand

You probably remember the first time you traveled. Maybe it was a vague memory of your parents or relatives taking you to a new place. It was exciting! You might have tasted different foods, seen the sea for the first time, or even rode a horse.

20 Discoveries You Make When You Study Abroad

Studying abroad during my undergraduate years was definitely one of the highlights of my college career. But no matter where you study, there are some universal realities you’ll discover.