Search Results: Ukraine

20 Most Polluted Cities in the World

If you only have one of something, that should be enough motivation to make you want to try and preserve it. Sadly, the human race doesn’t seem to feel that way about our planet, despite the fact that we only have one earth. Advocates have been preaching the message of ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’ for decades now, but mankind continues to fill the oceans with plastic and pump the air full of greenhouse gases.

50 Places Women Should Never Travel Alone

Travel can be a beautiful element of the human experience. Discovering new places, people, cultures, and scenery opens our minds to the world around us. It is exciting, humbling, empowering, liberating, and endlessly rewarding. Unfortunately, it can also be dangerous, particularly if you happen to be a woman.

15 Active War Zones Where You Can Vacation

Maybe you’re looking for a bargain on your next vacation. While the rest of the world zigs toward their vacation destinations, you’re going to zag! If so, then you might want to take a look at this list of war zones where you can vacation.

20 Worst Places to Travel if You Are Gay

There are so many gay-friendly places to visit — why choose a place where you’re not welcome or might even be in danger? Before you book your flight, check out this list.

11 of the Most Horrifically Disgusting Airline Foods Ever

Let’s be honest, between the screaming babies, the popping ears and the total lack of legroom, the only good part of air travel is when you actually arrive at your destination. Everything else, especially airline food, sucks.

7 of the World’s Most Incredible River Cruises

River cruises are growing in popularity, as more and more people board river boats in order to explore the heartland of different countries that would be inaccessible any other way.

9 Insane Trips for the Bravest Travelers

These trip ideas are bound to get your adrenaline flowing. Warning: Not recommended for the faint of heart!