Search Results: Iceland

Top 10 Countries to Move to if Donald Trump Is Elected

If you’ve been reading the news lately, you can probably tell that there’s very little likelihood that Donald Trump will be elected President. At the time of writing, Trump (thankfully) had a mere 12.5% chance of being elected to the highest office in the land, according to popular election blog FiveThirtyEight.

30 Best Places to Raise Children

Of course, the right country for you will depend on a number of factors including your career, your lifestyle and much more. No country is perfect and each has its strengths and flaws, so the ideal country is one where you can raise a peaceful, happy and healthy family and lead the lifestyle you desire.

10 Things That Would Happen if Every Volcano on Earth Erupted at Once

This wild, crazy planet of ours is home to more than 1,500 known active volcanoes and an unknown number hidden beneath our oceans. Each day, between 15 and 20 of them erupt, but thankfully the effects are minimal.

20 Traditional Dishes From Around the World

You don’t have to be a foodie at home to appreciate good eats when you’re traveling. Trying the delicacies each country has to offer is one of the best parts of traveling!

16 Most Drug-Addicted Countries in the World

Despite the advances of human civilization, particularly in the past several decades, much of the world continues to struggle with drug addiction. This problem, in fact, has only been exacerbated by the prevalence of prescription medications, which have been acting as a kind of gateway to even more dangerous drugs for many.

20 Best Places to Travel if You Are Gay

You’re gay and you’re ready for a vacation. Here’s a list of 20 hot places to visit — places that are both fun and gay friendly. Here goes!

How to Travel Like a Writer

I’ll be honest: Traveling as a writer is the coolest thing since sliced bread. It wasn’t until I started traveling with other writers that I realized just how special the experience can be.