Search Results: Being More Social

How to Acclimatize to a New City

It’s becoming the new norm for people to move around — either for a job, or for a new relationship, or just for a change of scenery. Moving to a brand-new place can be a big adjustment, and it might take a while to acclimatize to your new surroundings.

Writers’ Residences: Literature Lives Here

Authors from all over the world, and from different times in history, had one thing in common: they needed a quiet place to create their masterpieces. Their houses, family and friends, and political situations contributed to the plot, characters and locations you’ve come to love when devouring their books.

In the Movies: Popular Film Destinations

One way that studios attempt to save money is by choosing their filming location carefully. With a bit of movie magic, they can sub in a city – like Vancouver for New York, Boston, or Los Angeles – for cheaper. And sometimes, it just makes sense since the real location is not hospitable for a 300-strong production crew.

13 Types of Accommodation to Choose From When Traveling

Travelers nowadays have never been so spoiled for choices when it comes to choosing a place to sleep. In the past, they depended on travel guides and agencies to check their options, but with the advent of smartphones, they literally have all the information they need at their fingertips.

How To Keep Your Wallet Full While Traveling

If you’ve been bitten by the travel bug, chances are you’ll find it very difficult to stay in one place working a regular 9-5 job. There are plenty of things that you can do to save money both at home and abroad. Check out this article and see if any of these money-saving strategies are right for you.

The 20 Stages of Flight Delay Trauma

Some might think that the five stages of grief would apply to flight delay, but it is not so. No, I require fully 20 stages for this rollercoaster of a ride.

Tips for a Stress-Free Border Crossing

With all of the inconsistencies of immigration and border policy that are now the norm in the United States, it’s important to know what your rights and responsibilities are when crossing the border.