Search Results: Living in Other Countries

15 Islands You Should Add to Your Bucket List

Most of the time islands are associated with amazing beaches where you can soak up the sun and relax with a cocktail in your hand. Considering there are over 100,000 islands in the world, it’s nearly impossible to visit them all. So, read on to find the 15 islands you should definitely add to your bucket list.

Cultured Palate: Dishes from Finland

There are many key experiences in Finland that are not to be missed if you’re only visiting for a short time – enjoying the nightlife in Helsinki, sailing along one of the many waterways, or taking some time out in a traditional sauna. What a lot of people don’t take into account is the vibrant culinary scene that links all of the far-flung parts of Finland together.

13 Types of Accommodation to Choose From When Traveling

Travelers nowadays have never been so spoiled for choices when it comes to choosing a place to sleep. In the past, they depended on travel guides and agencies to check their options, but with the advent of smartphones, they literally have all the information they need at their fingertips.

12 Things Only Travellers Will Understand

You probably remember the first time you traveled. Maybe it was a vague memory of your parents or relatives taking you to a new place. It was exciting! You might have tasted different foods, seen the sea for the first time, or even rode a horse.

12 Reasons You’re Not Traveling Right Now and How to Break Free

Everybody loves traveling and if you don’t, I wonder why you’re reading TravelVersed. No, seriously, you just need to open your Facebook or Instagram to see incredible photos of your friends gallivanting around the world. Yet, you’re not one of the jet-setters, why?

14 Places Prone to Terrifying Natural Disasters

When you’re planning your long-awaited trip, it’s common to research about the normal stuff. However, depending on where you’re going, it’s important to know there are dangers no one can control – mother nature!

20 Native Animals You Might See in Your Travels

We travel the world for many reasons, be it for the culture, the food, or the interesting sites. But if you’re a nature lover and like exploring beyond cities, here are 20 animals you might see in your travels.