Search Results: Hostel Life

Safety First: Tips for Women Traveling Solo

For some people, the thought of going to the movies alone is daunting enough, let alone a solo vacation, but many adventurers will tell you that traveling alone can be an empowering and rewarding experience that’s not to be missed.

15 Inspiring Travel Books You Have to Read

“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.”

-Saint Augustine

3 Annoying Facts About Budget Accommodations in Peru

I recently spent six months traveling around South America and had an absolute blast! I went to Brazil, Bolivia, and Peru, where I saw amazing landscapes and beautiful, welcoming people. However, if you’re anything like me and travel within a specific budget, you know it wasn’t all rainbows and butterflies! I believe when you’re traveling…

7 Best European Cities for Beer

While our summer navigating the hostels of Europe may lay recessed in our memories, those European cities are still brewing world-class beers steeped in a history much richer than our decade old boom. In fact, many of our own craft breweries make pilgrimages to Europe to learn from centuries old traditions.

The Jedi’s Guide to Traveling Like a Pro

You’re a Jedi and you have your powers — just use them! I mean, if you can actually move things with your mind, by all means, do it and honor the Jedi principles. But if you’re like everybody else, at least trust your gut!

Thailand’s Military Coup: A Cocktail Party Anecdote

Those who travel internationally by choice and for pleasure are all looking for variations of the same thing: new and foreign experiences that will, in some way or another, take them out of their daily routine.

Essential Barcelona for a Quick Trip

While I was studying abroad in England, one of my friends invited me to join her on a weekend trip to Barcelona, where (rumor had it) the sun still shined. I decided to come along at the absolute last minute.