Search Results: History of Chicago


Almost Free – The Cheapest Cities to Live In

Housing prices, inflation, soaring rent … if you aren’t already fed up with the current cost of living in your city, then it might only be a matter of time. Fret not, because even the long arms of inflation have their limits. We’re always just a few clicks, a couple of bags and some goodbye hugs away from financial refuge.


The Top Music Festivals to Attend in North America this Summer

The joys of sitting at a camping site with your friends and thousands of other people, listening to your favorite performers and bands cannot be overstated. A summer music festival is one of the best ways to chill out with people that you already know and make friends with new people who have the same interests

Are You Afraid of the Dark? The Scariest Places in the World

We’ve all settled in for a solitary evening at home, steaming cup of liquid in hand, only to hear a menacing creak, an inconspicuous smash, or a non-descript voice. Even the slightest unfamiliar sound can transform a familiar locale in to something eerie and unsettling. Now, imagine an unfamiliar place with a storied history of odd, unexplainable occurrences.

View from The Top: Coolest Helicopter Tours

If there’s anything cooler than a helicopter tour, Travelversed hasn’t found it yet. Why do we love helicopter rides so much? Because they’re romantic, awe inspiring, cost effective, and unforgettable. Why buy a ticket to a local show when you can fly over the city at night? Why opt for a hike when you can take to the sky and enjoy a bird’s-eye view of the mountains?

15 Notable Travelers and Their Adventures

These men and women who came before us were the characters of great stories. Some of them were the first ones to visit new lands and have contact with unknown civilizations. We’ve got to give it to them for instilling this passion for travel in all of us.

In the Movies: Popular Film Destinations

One way that studios attempt to save money is by choosing their filming location carefully. With a bit of movie magic, they can sub in a city – like Vancouver for New York, Boston, or Los Angeles – for cheaper. And sometimes, it just makes sense since the real location is not hospitable for a 300-strong production crew.

20 Alternatives to the Summer Beach Vacation

The summer beach vacation has become so clichéd for us intrepid travelers. I mean, who wants to stay in a themed hotel, eat fried seafood, and nurse Bud Lights all week while the kids build yet another sandcastle? I certainly don’t!