4 Reasons You Should Visit Myanmar Now

4. The Culture

When you visit a place where the culture is still somewhat intact, it’s unforgettable. 28 days were definitely not enough to appreciate everything Myanmar has to offer, but some stuff did stand out.

First and foremost, please don’t gorge on the temples early on; do pace yourself out, otherwise you’ll be what’s commonly known as “templed out!” They are beautiful and they are everywhere, so I’d suggest you save yourself for Bagan, the mecca of temples and stupas.

The second and third are: Thanaka and Betel. Thanaka is a mix of sunscreen, moisturizer and makeup that the majority of women wear and make them look super glamorous. Betel is leaf, which is usually chewed with Areca nuts and tobacco and it’s disgusting! It turns the saliva into a dark red and men spit it everywhere!

If you’re still unsure whether you should add Myanmar to your list of countries to be visited in your lifetime, don’t be — it’s the perfect place to fill a traveler’s heart with passion. You will find different foods, buildings and beliefs, but no matter how peculiar they might be, you’ll find yourself connecting to the people as you‘ll see many beautiful traits of the human nature, especially their kindness.



11 Great Hostels to Stay In

For budget-minded travelers in search of a cheap place to stay, hostels can be the perfect option. Generally, hostels offer much better value than hotels and short-term apartment rentals. Because less money is spent on accommodations, it allows globetrotters to designate a larger portion of their budget to good food and sightseeing activities instead.

11 Great Hostels in Europe to Stay In

If you’re a budget-minded backpacker interested in meeting fellow travelers along the way, hostels are an exceptional alternative. Intimate, community-minded, and affordable, hostels have exploded in popularity and really come a long way. From shared open-concept spaces to private ensuites, it’s easy to find a mix of both communal and secluded accommodations.

The 10 Most Historic Prisons

While jail time isn’t a walk in the park for any convicted felon, many tourists flock to historical prisons around the world when traveling. This is due to their mystic, history, and eerie ambiance. While it may seem a little crazy, visiting a local prison can provide a ton of insight on a region’s roots and culture.