7 Weird Things No One Will Tell You About America

We all know America has the bald eagle, Hollywood, fast food, movie stars, baseball, the NFL, and many other world-famous things to offer (complete with some infamously otherworldly places, but that’s a different article). But how about some of the strange facts and stories that you’ve never heard of before?

Thailand: Where Teachers Aren’t Just Appreciated, They’re Revered

When you think about the most respected careers in your home country, what are they? Soldiers, doctors, nurses, firefighters? If you ask any local in Thailand, one of the first answers you’ll hear is “teacher.”

Dimmuborgir: Iceland’s ‘Dark Cities’

The rugged beauty of Iceland includes roughly 130 volcanoes and the savage geology that results after the active ones erupt. One in particular is swathed in ominous legends and creepy folklore: Dimmuborgir.

9 Must-Attend German Beer Festivals That AREN’T Oktoberfest

Is it me or does attending Oktoberfest sound like a cluster? I’ve heard horror stories of overcrowded beer tents, gross displays of public drunkenness, and general pandemonium. Then there’s the reservation system…

11 of the Most Horrifically Disgusting Airline Foods Ever

Let’s be honest, between the screaming babies, the popping ears and the total lack of legroom, the only good part of air travel is when you actually arrive at your destination. Everything else, especially airline food, sucks.

17 Things No One Will Tell You Before You Move to England

England is an amazing place: full of culture, beautiful scenery, and enough pubs to make sure no one will ever be short of a drink. Here are a few things that people may not tell you before you move there.

13 of the World’s Weirdest Conventions

No matter how bizarre, embarrassing or specific your obsession may be, there’s a convention out there for you. Whether you’re into My Little Pony, ventriloquism or dressing up like a merman, there’s a con out there waiting for you attend it.

7 Places Where People Live the Longest

Times sure have changed, and not just in terms of the transition from landline to smartphone, or slate tablet to iPad. Nearly 100 years ago, the average global life expectancy was a mere 31 years old. Now, in certain countries, you’re still a youngster if you reach 80!

Hill of Crosses: The Shrine That Refused to Die

All those towering crucifixes, adorned with rosaries of varying vintage that rattle gently in the breeze, could strike the non-devout as a little creepy. But if you’re a Catholic making a pilgrimage, you see something both authentic and sacred.

15 Reasons to Never Go To South America

Have you been bitten by the travel bug but can’t decide which continent to explore? Waterfalls, architecture, jungles? Sights, sounds, and smells? We think you’d haaaaaate South America.